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Link directory

the links are in random order, don't take it as some sort of tier list

Personal Websites

Richard Stallman's website - Obligatory rms's website, amazingly huge blog dedicated to his life and free software. I BLESS YOUR COMPUTER MY CHILD~
Koshka's Kingdom - Web kingdom of a fellow aspie and cat enjoyer (all dogs owners go to hell) with obsession around Egyptian Gods, old DOS games, Dragon Ball and other stuff.
Luke Smith's website - RuneScape default character that goes into the woods to talk about Jesus and Arch Linux.
Wrongthink - Personal website dedicated to cybersecurity, anonymity, free software and other things, very wise.
Unix Sheikh - Site centered around UNIX (BSD & GNU/Linux) and system administration. One of my favourites
lolwut - Admin of VidLii, 711chan and Desuroom. Also an oldfag with a lot to tell, especially about the interwebs

Anonymous Messageboards

Lainchan - The hacker known as Lainchan, mainly centered around technology and programming.
Heyuri - Amazing little site with a hard stance against nu 4chan memes like soyjak or pepe. Community is full of Otakus and Lolicons, but the site has no set topic and you can discuss anything (as long as it does not break the rules). Don't visit if you can't bear lolis.
711chan - Revival of an old Imageboard from the late 2000s under the same name, most about raids and lulz, but like heyuri, has no set topic. Has VERY limited rules of "Don't put me in the partyvan KTHXBYE".
4chan - A well known Imageboard, who may be culturally dead these days, and the level of posts is the lowest, but it's still great for being the last big place that kept freedom of speech before big corporations buttraped the net. Don't really browse this place anymore, but the less active SFW boards are pretty decent for more serious discussions (if you have common autistic interests like technology and anime then kick rocks)
World2ch - Revival of an very old textboard from early 2000s under the same name, this is where 4chan got it's initial userbase. No one from the original w2ch uses it anymore, it was never anything big really.
Channel4 - Another old 2ch clone, this one is a bit more newer, but dead as hell. Not much people use it anymore.

Operating Systems

Alpine Linux - GNU-less distro, very lightweight and secure
Slackware - The great grandpa of distros, was the base for the original SUSE, inspiration for Debian and still is the longest running distro, with an amazing lifespan of 30 years. Famous these days for not having one standard package manager and long waits between releases (15.0 was released after a 6 years of wait).
Void Linux - Great SystemD-free distro that uses musl instead of glibc, great balance between the Just Werking of GNU Coreutils and lightweightness of musl and runit. Probably one of my favourites.
Debian - It Just Works! Not really fun, but great if you need to install something on your computer and not care.
OpenBSD - The best BSD, and the best "True UNIX" system (because linux is not unix enough I guess?). Really secure, very fun, very lightweight and amazing as a server and a desktop. Definetly give it a try if you want to use an alternative OS that's not Linux-based.
NetBSD - Father system of OpenBSD, very old, very weird, and VERY portable! Even toasters can run it!
Gentoo - Install Gentoo
FreeBSD - BSD, but free. I don't really like it, but you can always try it out, maybe it will fit you better
9front - The plan that fell off. Plan9 distribution that I quite enjoy. I'm not really into Plan9, but I like the project (except the devs)


Vidyascape - Runescape Private Server that emulates tha game like it was back in Halloween of 2007, with no extra BS. Made by /v/irgins from 4chan, so expect very high level of lulz and non-seriousness. No pressure, fun, 2x XP rate, even can be played in the browser! What not to love!
OpenRSC - Free software clone of Runescape's "Classic" era (2001-2004), pretty populated, but RSC is not my cup of tea.
/v/scape wiki - Vidyascape Wikia, really amazing encyclopedia of everything /v/scape
Scape05 - 2005 Emulation of the game.
Official Runescape Wiki - Official Runescape Wiki (RS3 era), for the OSRS version click here!


Official SOS Brigade website - Website of the SOS Brigade from the anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, that appears in some episodes. Still rocks the same layout as it did back then, and that's amazing! It's in moonspeak of course
Install Gentoo Wiki - Wikia for /g/entoomen, centered around UNIX, free software among other things.
Encyclopedia Dramatica - Old wiki that likes to have lulz, one of the last places with the old 4chan attitude towards anything. Can get really funny, and really mean! Remember to NOT take the site seriously!
Soulseek - Modern P2P file sharing program simmilar to eMule and Limewire, except little to no viruses and high quality results.

link directory is always under construction!

Everything on my website is licensed under public domain, and I don't give a fuck lol.
Linux Powered!Made on a REAL computer! Free Speech Forever!
Page last updated 24-10-2023